Posted on December 15, 2017 by Dennis Salazar

DTC (Direct to Consumer) E-commerce Packaging for Start-up Companies and New Products

DTC (Direct to Consumer) E-commerce Packaging for Start-up Companies and New Products

Creating e-commerce packaging is easy if you have the time, money, experience and history to be able to design and produce what you want. Unfortunately, most start-ups and even mature companies with new products usually don’t have those luxuries. As listed the challenges include:

Time – by the time they get around to packaging, projects tend to be late with launch deadlines looming. Or they have been talking about packaging for months and no commitments nor decisions have been made. We understand this and have a long list of products we delivered within two weeks of receiving final artwork.

Money – same as with time, much has been spent to get to where you are. The packaging budget that at one time in preplanning might have been $2.00 is now ideal at under a dollar a unit as the realities of storage, shipping, and other expenses kick in. We can do a lot with a little by being creative, redesigning, and offering many money saving options and ideas to help reduce the cost per unit.

e-commerce packaging, Salazar PackagingExperience –  After ten years, and making millions of packages for thousands of companies, we know how to fast track a project without sacrificing quality. As I often tell customers, “we know where the potholes in the road are and will help you avoid them.” The less experience you have in designing e-commerce packaging, the more you can benefit from having a good partner to work with.

History – many of our packaging recommendations and the pricing are based on usage and order size. What do you do when you have no history to work from? You create versatile packaging that will enable you to make modifications and changes as necessary. Chances are, we have worked with a similar application in the past and that can help us help you.

e-commerce packaging, Salazar PackagingWe specialize in creating incredible e-commerce packaging quickly and at minimal cost. Please check us out at or call us at 630-551-1700. You can also contact us through our web site contact form to connect with one of our branded packaging advisors or visit our gallery to see examples of recent work we’ve done.

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