Posted on May 18, 2017 by Dennis Salazar

The Unboxing Experience – Beyond Esthetics for E-commerce and Subscription Packaging


The Unboxing Experience – Beyond Esthetics for E-commerce and Subscription Packaging

Much has been said and written about the importance of the unboxing experience. What the digital customer sees and feels when they receive and open your shipping container plays a critical role in the overall experience and shapes the seller/buyer relationship going forward.

Appearance is obviously important, but we consider that a given. Everything from ink colors, graphic design, and the perfect tissue paper makes an impression, and as we say communicates something about you, your company, and your product. We believe however, that adjectives such as pretty, classy, upscale, eye catching are all great, but there is a lot more going on than what meets the eye.

While we believe an unboxing experience has to look great, it also has to be effective. If it is not, all of the costly esthetic efforts end up being a waste of precious time and money. In addition to being attractive…

An effective unboxing experience has to be secure

All of the ribbon and bows in the world cannot make up for a damaged product. First and foremost the product being shipped has to arrive safely and in one piece.

improve your e-commerce packaging

An effective unboxing experience has to present the product well

The product should not be buried in packaging materials and it should not be floating around loose within the container due to poor insert or interior packaging design.

An effective unboxing experience has to be product accessible

As a designer of many “frustration free” designs, we know the consumer does not want to wrestle with or utilize tools to extract their product from your packaging.

 An effective unboxing experience has to be green

Consumers are becoming more and more sensitive to the amount of packaging arriving at their homes. The boxes for all of those books, shoes, clothes, and “meals by mail” they are buying has to go somewhere. The want minimal, high recycled content and easily recyclable packaging.

The Unboxing Experience Design Challenge

The real dilemma for most shippers is how do you accomplish all of these objectives (and others) at the same time? For example, how do you balance product protection versus shipping weight? Which is more important – presentation and accessibility or security? Are your customers focused on the WOW experience or the environment? And of course you need to deliver all of this in one neat, attractive package.

This is why it is wise to utilize a resource that has the experience of making millions of boxes and working with hundreds of companies like yours over the course of the last ten years. It all begins with an application review that includes a discussion about your customers, your products and even your competition. The better we know you and your goals, the easier it us for us to help you make an informed decision.

Sure we make and print some beautiful boxes and you can see many examples in our gallery but we also make effective boxes designed to not ruin the unboxing experience. Contact us at Salazar Packaging or call us at 630-551-1700 for a no cost, no obligation review of your packaging process and results.

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