Posted on June 11, 2021 by Dennis Salazar

Thirteen Years of DTC Quality, Sustainable Packaging, and Total Transparency

Everything You Want to Know About Sustainable Packaging

We have educated many customers and even some competitive people by showing what we have done to help our customers and clients. How we can best utilize more eco-friendly materials, and less of them, through sustainability focused design. Early on we were labeled a packaging and sustainability innovator and to be frank, we kind of liked it. So, we have worked hard to maintain that industry leadership position.

Green Packaging Materials and Design  

Our blog is more than self-promoting articles and write ups, it is an amazing, open, information source in an industry not known for its transparency. After thirteen years and literally many hundreds of blog posts, it is difficult to name a topic that we have not already written about. FSC certified versus 100% recycled content? How box styles vary in terms of board usage. The greenness myth of most padded mailer envelopes? How does custom printing impact the recyclability of the packaging? All these topics and many more have been covered to the benefit of our knowledge hungry visitors and readers.

Additional tools and packaging resources within our library of information

There are three often overlooked features that are available to you on our blog.

  1. Quite often within the body of a post we include links to other information and web sites to help you better understand our advice. Look out for these links and know our industry experts believe you will find them useful.
  2. At the end of every post, we always list 3 to 5 “Related Posts” that will enhance the information provided. In many cases they are about specific applications and that is always interesting. Reading about how the product or concept you are contemplating helped someone else can help you decide on a direction. Note: some of the posts listed here are from our blog so you get to search two sources at the same time.
  3. The “Search the Blog” box on the upper right side on the blog’s home page. Consider that a short cut to many different posts on a particular topic. Example, searching “flexographic printing” will provide more info than spending hours on the internet.

sustainability versus packaging costObviously, you know we have probably spent thousands of hours writing and sharing our knowledge and experience with others. We do that to help you and in hope you will decide to work with one of the most experienced and successful packaging teams in the business.

You can’t find what you are looking for? Call us at 630-551-1700 or contact us through this blog and web site. Remember no cost, no obligation application reviews are still available to you at any time.

In the meantime, Happy Birthday Inside Sustainable and Branded Packaging blog!

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