Posted on April 27, 2012 by Dennis Salazar Uses Branded, Custom-Printed Packaging to Draw Attention to Their Cause

We help our customers communicate through their packaging, but few jobs we’ve completed are as personally satisfying as the work we recently did for

Spend a few minutes on their web site and you’ll understand why this organization is so concerned about the health and well being of this endangered species. This is an organization that deserves and needs our support, and I encourage you to visit their site to “like” them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.

Your Packaging Can Be Your Ad Sea otter in oil spill

We tend to think of a package in terms of the customer it is being shipped to and we have learned how important that initial contact is. It makes a memorable impression, and branded packaging can help determine if that is a positive or a negative one. That package arrives at its destination, and it is a great opportunity to send or reinforce a message of your choice, whether it is as simple as showing off your logo, or perhaps communicating an important eco message about your company or your product.

What we tend to forget is that your package also makes contact with countless people and is seen at sorting and distribution centers and by people loading and unloading freight. Many people see it beyond the driver who picks it up or delivers it. Each one is a point of contact and an opportunity to capture attention.

Custom-Printed Boxes and Tape

The nice people at Sea realize each one of those points of contact is an opportunity to gain attention and support for their mission. So they developed adorable, incredibly eye-catching artwork, and we printed it on to our popular and eco-friendly water-activated paper tape. They considered printing their shipping boxes, but with the box sizes and quantities uncertain at this stage, custom-printed tape was the best and most economical way for them to go.

On the box, however, to drive home their equal concern for the environment in general, they decided to include a brief eco message letting everyone know the box is constructed of 100% recycled content board, as are all of our Globe Guard® boxes.

Regardless of the message you want to drive home, we can help you accomplish it with the variety of custom-printed, eco-friendly packaging we offer. Please contact Salazar packaging for a no-cost, no-obligation review of your needs.

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