Posted on June 19, 2020 by Dennis Salazar

Salazar Packaging Blog Celebrates 12 Year Anniversary

This week marks the twelfth anniversary of the launching of this Inside Sustainable Packaging blog on this web site. As our focus expanded, we later added “and branded packaging” to our name but our approach has remained the same – to be totally transparent and helpful to our reader visitors.

Back in 2008, I recall how many industry people (including me) thought we were crazy for sharing so much information about what we do, how we do it, and even who we work with. After all, the packaging industry is historically very secretive for fear of sharing information that could help a competitive company capture new business, especially if that business is yours.

The Logic Behind our Industry Leading Packaging Blog

Salazar Packaging Blog Helpful ContentI have previously given deserved credit to a now defunct Chicago clothing company named Syms.  Every TV commercial they ran ended with their slogan, “an educated consumer is our best customer.” My wife/ partner and I agreed our goal was to bring that mindset to the packaging industry and to the many new e-commerce businesses that were popping up daily. Most of these new entrepreneurs knew much about the internet, SEO, their products, and marketing but little about packaging products or options. So, we decided to teach them and share our combined fifty plus years of packaging experience to help them create successful DTC businesses

Soon we received hundreds of inquiries every month so setting up a reference library was not only a nice thing to do, it was also a time saver at our end making us more efficient.  This was also consistent with what this new market segment and the younger generation leading it genuinely wanted. “Give me the info I need; I will analyze and get back to you with any questions.” In other words, they did not want to be “sold,” they wanted to be educated so they could make a good decision.

Greatest Tool on our “Inside Sustainable and Branded Packaging” Blog          

Over the course of twelve years we have written over five hundred blog posts, some which grew outdated. We removed or even replaced with more up to date posts.  We still believe the best, though often unused feature of our blog is the search box. On the right side, toward the top, in red letters it reads SEARCH THE BLOG.

custom inserts for ANY product size and shapeKeep in mind most of our blog post ideas begin as inquiries and questions from our customers and readers. Our thinking is, if one person wants to know, there are probably others with the same question. So, if you want to learn more about inserts, you type “inserts” into the search text box, and you will see over fifty different posts that talk about various designs and types of inserts. If your question is more specific, for example: “inserts for glass products” you get a lower number of results, but they are focused on your specific area of interest. Try “white on Kraft printing”, “mailer envelopes”, “flexographic printing” or any other item and see how much we have to offer.

There are hundreds of posts available to you on this site as well as on our sister site so please feel free to browse around or use the search box for a specific product or application. And of course, this is simply to get you started. Our branded packaging advisors are always available to answer any questions you may have.  You can call us at 630-551-1700 or contact us directly via email.

Happy Birthday “Inside Sustainable and Branded Packaging. You have helped thousands of readers learn more about packaging and you will help many more in the years ahead.

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