We are dog people. Our kids grew up with dogs as pets, so not surprisingly our grandkids are now growing up with dogs at their side. The dog in this picture is our beagle mix Gateway, who we picked up as a pup from a shelter almost eight years ago. Gateway has helped us raise, love and protect five grandchildren between the ages of two and five including the youngest, Sophie, who is shown in the picture playing with her “buddy” since birth.
There is another grand baby due this summer, but it is unlikely that Gateway will be able to love him or her the way he has the others because, unfortunately, he has incurable terminal cancer. We may never know why or how he ended up with cancer, and our vet has no explanation for what she calls “an epidemic of cancer” in many beloved family pets like our Gateway.
Many of us have been quite concerned for some time about what we feed our children, and now that worry is extended to our pets like Gateway. Everything is now suspect, from the bowls we use for food and water and the containers we use for food storage to the toys they chew on and especially anything our pets consume.

Steve’s Real Food – A Unique Company with a Better Idea
They believe that it is more natural for our carnivore pets to eat raw food because it provides the best and healthiest nutrition compared to a processed diet where many of the beneficial nutrients have likely been cooked out of the food and/or dry kibble that is primarily designed for human convenience.
Steve’s Real Food offers four different flavors in easy-to-store and use portions. I encourage you to visit their site and learn more about their products, philosophy and company. I think you will be as impressed as we were when we first got to know them.
On their site, you will also learn about their commitment to sustainability, which includes their ingredients and all of the packaging they use for their product line. Even their new retail pouches are compostable, so they could not accept anything less than Globe Guard® products to maintain their “product to packaging eco-consistency.”
Multi-Purpose Green Packaging
When first contacted by the nice people at Steve’s Real Food, we learned about their multiple requirements. Of course they wanted to promote their brand and develop a consistent look for their product line, but that was the easy part. We were able to help guide them to four PMS specific custom ink colors that would look good on the natural, 100% recycled content Kraft colored corrugated boxes they selected.
In terms of structure, the boxes had to stack well on pallets for bulk shipments and also be strong enough to serve as individual shipping boxes if necessary. The boxes also needed to be attractive enough for retail display and be able to withstand long-term storage in a freezer environment.
With all this in mind, we helped them select a board and adhesive combination able to satisfy their variety of needs. We also were instrumental in helping them communicate their important message and nutritional information on their boxes in a way that is eye pleasing and easy for the consumer to see and read.
As you can see, we were all quite pleased with the end result and their four new beautiful boxes. They now have four different flavors that are each packed in a distinct box while satisfying their variety of functional and esthetic requirements.
“I need more than a plain, stock box!”
Thanks to the internet, there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of places you can buy a corrugated box. Many are good companies, and most are much larger than Salazar Packaging or Globe Guard® Products. There are few companies, however, who share your commitment to sustainability or understand that standard board grades and structures are not always the answer. Very few of the large catalog or internet suppliers even want to deal with custom-size or custom-printed boxes because, quite frankly, custom-printed corrugated boxes can be time consuming from a sales standpoint, and the process is loaded with potential problems, if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Fortunately for companies like Steve’s Real Food, we do share their commitment to packaging that is as green as possible for the application, and yes, we modestly admit we do indeed know what we are doing. Please contact Salazar Packaging to discuss your unique needs and allow us the chance to do it for you.
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