Posted on June 28, 2012 by Dennis Salazar

Secondary Packaging and Branding – Beyond logos and web addresses

Today everyone is talking about “branding” but few actually know what that means and fewer realize all of the wonderful opportunities they have to accomplish the objective, even and especially in the area of secondary packaging.

What is Branding?

The dictionary defines it as: identification of product with manufacturer. It continues to say:  the use of advertising, distinctive design, and other means to make consumers associate a specific product with a specific manufacturer or supplier

We have an easier definition which is essentially, to help a consumer remember you by communicating the message you want to convey.

What is Secondary Packaging?

3 PMS colors on Kraft

Most people use that industry term to describe the packaging that is not primary/retail packaging and in most cases does not make direct contact with the product. Example – on a can of corn, the can would be considered primary packaging and the corrugated case that perhaps twelve cans are packed in, would be considered the secondary package.

Most commonly, for the majority of our clients, secondary packaging is the packaging they use to ship product directly to the consumer. It may be an RSC-style shipping box, a die cut mailer box, or even one of a wide variety of paper and plastic envelopes.

What many people don’t realize is that ALL of these secondary packaging products are available custom printed, and the process is much easier and more affordable than they think.


Printed tape with stock or custom colors

Why is Branding of Secondary Packaging Important?

As I often say in writing and in presentation, the internet has made commodities of almost everything we all sell so the necessity to create an “image of difference” is more important than ever. In addition, e-commerce can be cold and impersonal, so anything you can do to make a memorable and favorable impression when your product arrives at your customer’s door, can make the difference between a loyal customer who recommends you to others or a one-time buyer.

Packaging That Communicates

Obviously, we all want to avoid shipping damage, but today it is not enough for secondary packaging to be just functional.

Mailer envelope, one color with screens to create multiple shades

What do you want your secondary packaging to say about you? Do you want your customers to know you are a green company or that the environment matters to you? Do you want to create an upscale image from your competitors? Or perhaps you simply want to be remembered for the next order opportunity?

Whatever you want to communicate can be accomplished easily and in most cases, inexpensively. The photos included in this article are all examples of clients who wanted to communicate something beyond showing off their logo. They all understand the value of the first impression, and in most cases, they also wanted to say something about who they are and why customers should buy from them.

Please contact us if you have any questions and let us know what message you are trying to communicate to your customers. Also, if you want to get an idea of what is possible, please visit our green packaging store at Almost all of the products we show there are available custom printed.


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