Posted on November 13, 2008 by Dennis Salazar

It’s Official – Globe Guard Is Now a Registered Trademark

We are very pleased to announce that our trademark application for Globe Guard has finally been approved so in the future we will be able to use the ® rather than the temporary ™. This is an important development because it signifies that products carrying the Globe Guard name have been carefully selected for their sustainable packaging characteristics.

Our vision for and commitment to the Globe Guard brand

  • We are committed to identifying the best, most eco friendly packaging products the market has to offer and bringing them to our customers, saving them precious time and always keeping them up to date in this rapidly changing market.
  • We are committed to making these products competitive and dispelling the notion that green always costs more money. It doesn’t, at least not for our customers.
  • We are committed to making the Globe Guard® brand one that people can count on to be legitimate and truly as green as possible. In some cases the greenest product currently available may not be very green at all, but we guarantee you that we will be straightforward about it.
  • We are committed to continue our efforts to educate the market place through our articles, cartoons, speaking engagements and blog. Remember that one of the “7 R’s of Sustainability” is “read” which represents a never ending need for education and an obligation to share the knowledge gained.

We have some very exciting things planned for our Globe Guard® product line and we will be sharing them with you in the days ahead. For those of you who are already Globe Guard® customers, thank you for making it a brand worth protecting and promoting. For those of you who are not yet using our products, what are you waiting for? Too busy to make the change? Remember – few products will give you an eternity of value in exchange for a few minutes of your time.
