Posted on February 23, 2010 by Dennis Salazar

Happy Birthday YouTube!

YouTube logoIn case you are not aware, You Tube will soon be celebrating the 5th anniversary of its launch in April of 2005.

Here are a few interesting YouTube facts you may not know.

  • They now stream a full BILLION videos each and every day.
  • According to some industry sources, YouTube now adds twenty HOURS of new content, every minute of the day.
  • If they stopped adding content today and you devoted your life to watching videos on YouTube, you would not live long enough to see them all.

YouTube and Business

In October of 2006, Google paid a whopping $1.65 BILLION for YouTube and even though it has never turned a profit for them, I suspect it will eventually prove to be money well spent. What we do know already is that it has the amazing ability to make worldwide internet stars out of some people who ordinarily would not been noticed in their own neighborhood.

YouTube is also proving to be a tremendous asset to business because it provides a simple, inexpensive way to potentially share something with the world.

The Globe Guard Reusable Box – “You Have to See It!”

If you are a regular reader you know we recently created a new patent pending box design we call the Globe Guard® Reusable Box. Essentially we made it easy to invert a previously used box inside-out, creating a like new box that can be used again.

We could have written a lengthy description of the inverting process and possibly included several still photographs, but the best way for us to help others understand how easy it is to invert our new box design is to actually demonstrate it for them. By witnessing the process in real time, it is easy to fully appreciate its speed and simplicity.

Happy Birthday, YouTube … and thank you!

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