Posted on June 23, 2009 by Dennis Salazar

Announcing – New Green Blog on Packaging Digest

I am very happy to announce I am now blogging for Packaging Digest, one of the media leaders covering the packaging industry. Writing for them is a terrific opportunity to reach a different, substantially larger audience and I invite and encourage you to check out their excellent online and print publications.

The Increasingly Crowded Green Blogosphere

The world of eco focused internet blogging has become very crowded as more people and companies are writing about packaging OR about sustainability. Green is an increasingly popular topic because readers are eager to better understand sustainability. Packaging will always be a green focal point for consumers so the growth in interest is to be expected.

packaging-digest-logoIn our work as well as in our writing, we strive to be a place where people with an interest in sustainability AND in packaging can learn more about the people and products impacting both.

That is our overall objective on Inside Sustainable Packaging and will be our goal for Common Sense and Sustainability, our new featured blog on Packaging Digest.

Then What’s the Difference between These Two Blogs?

Our commitment is that both blogs will always only feature original content but Inside Sustainable Packaging will remain where I get a little more personal, and adventurous, occasionally wandering off the green packaging topic. Whether it is a product that we applaud or criticize or a chance to do something a little out of the norm, ISP is more likely to be the place you’ll find it.

Common Sense and Sustainability on the other hand will tend to look at the worlds of packaging and sustainability from a broader perspective. Consider it a view from an altitude of 20,000 feet up versus from ground level. Both are important perspectives but each is very distinct and unique. You can also expect the content and topics on Common Sense and Sustainability to be more about processes, industries, and perspective, and less about specific products.

On either format your feedback is always appreciated so please do not hesitate to leave your comments on either blog. Thank you for your continued interest and support.

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