Posted on September 18, 2008 by Dennis Salazar

Our Comment Policy

At Inside Sustainable Packaging, we welcome comments and conversation about sustainable packaging products, people, and perspectives. We appreciate the fact you have taken time out of your busy day to read our blog and share your ideas. Your comments, as much as our posts, are what will make our blog a useful resource for packaging professionals, packaging users, and concerned consumers.

We will make every effort to publish your comment as quickly as possible, and respond to it quickly and thoughtfully. Please keep in mind that products and services referenced in comments are not necessarily endorsed or represented by Salazar Packaging, Inc.

Along with open and lively conversation, Salazar Packaging places a high value on professionalism. With that in mind, there are certain types of comments we reserve the right not to publish. Those include —

  • Obvious spam
  • Comments calculated to promote a product or service rather than engage in conversation
  • We believe that rude, offensive, or hostile comments have no place on this or any blog and will not be published

The best rule of thumb we can offer is this – any comment you feel comfortable saying out loud or reading on your own blog is probably right on target.

Thank you for reading Inside Sustainable Packaging!

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