Posted on September 10, 2014 by Dennis Salazar

Creating “shippable” primary packaging for Amazon and other fulfillment and contract packaging operations

Amazon is one of many excellent companies that will do everything from storing to picking and packing your customers’ orders for you. They are so much better equipped to handle fluctuations in orders and in general, handling the operational side of the business. Most people (including us) are in business because of our sales and marketing skills, not because we understand inventory management or logistics. We have become firm believers in letting the experts do what they do best.

Shipping your packaging within their box?

Whether you are an e-commerce company or have created a successful subscription box program, the product you are shipping and how it is packaged will determine if Amazon and others will:

  1. Ship your box or container within one of their boxes (secondary packaging)
  2. Ship your product directly to your customer in the container you provide (primary packaging)

Depending on what your fulfillment operation charges you for packaging, this could be a good or not so good deal for you. However, if you are a regular reader of this blog, you will understand why option #1 above deprives you of a great branding and presentation opportunity. Do you want the first thing your customer sees to be your logo or that famous, all too familiar “smile”?

Additional benefits to you when using “shippable packaging”

Aside from promoting your brand, you also control the customer experience. You determine what type of impression you want to make on YOUR customer.

Green minded customers are usually quick to point out layers of unnecessary and redundant packaging. Shipping a box within a box also adds costs for everyone involved in the process.

In the era of “dimensional weight” shipping, using as small container as possible reduces outbound shipping cost. Keep in mind that you are also paying for inbound shipping costs as well as storage costs for any packaging you buy or use.

Custom printed and branded “shippable” packaging is what we do

If your current packaging requires some attention, we are more than qualified to help you make that change:

  • Quickly – usually 2 to 3 weeks
  • Economically – many of our customers are surprised at how affordable custom printed packaging can be.
  • Effectively – damaged product can be avoided or eliminated
  • Environmentally Friendly – most of our containers are 100% recycled content and 100% recyclable

Please contact us at Salazar Packaging or call us at 630-551-1700 for a no cost, no obligation review of your specific packaging needs.

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